Policies and procedures

The AUArts Policy and Procedures website is the central repository that constitutes the official version of all University wide policies and procedures.

These policies and their related procedures have been created to advance the University’s mission, core values, pillars and strategic directions, promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, mitigate or manage institutional risk, comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements, set behavioral expectations across the University community, have broad application and impact throughout the University, and communicate roles and responsibilities. As such, members of the University community have an obligation to comply with University policy. 

The University Secretariat is responsible for the oversight and administration of the University's Policy Framework. Questions regarding the repository may be directed to the University Secretary at boardofgovernors@auarts.ca. Questions on specific policies should be directed to the responsible unit, as indicated on the policy or procedure.

The Registrar's Office is available to assist students with questions that arise concerning the interpretation of these policies or procedures. Related information such as associated forms are located on the Student Success Centre. Additional student regulations are contained in the Academic Calendar.

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Academic Date Setting Procedure

The intent of this procedure is to standardize the development of and to provide guidelines for setting academic dates.

Academic Programs Quality Assurance Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to provide an overview of the quality assurance processes in place at Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) to ensure that AUArts students receive the highest possible quality of academic programming.

Academic Scheduling Policy

This policy articulates the principles and priorities that inform decision making related to the scheduling of graduate and undergraduate courses to optimize the student experience as well as the use of academic space at AUArts.

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy

Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to ensuring the lawful and consistent collection, use, disclosure, and protection of information under its custody and control.

Admissions Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the admission process for all individuals who are applying for admission to graduate and undergraduate programs at Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts).

Animals on Campus Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe, healthy, and clean environment for members of the AUArts community by restricting the presence of animals on campus and limiting any associated health and safety hazards, disruption, nuisance, and anxiety in the workplace.

Annual Review of the President Procedure

The purpose of the annual review is to enable the President to strengthen their own performance, to allow the President and the Board to set mutually agreeable priorities, and to inform annual decisions on compensation adjustments and other terms of the President’s employment.

Board of Governors Expenses Policy

This policy establishes the rates and principles for the payment of expenses to the Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) Board of Governors.

Capital Assets Procedure

To establish processes, accounting policies and financial reporting practices covering the various stages within the life cycle of tangible capital assets at Alberta University of the Arts (“AUArts”).

Classification Procedure

This procedure describes the process for the creation, alteration and classification of position descriptions within scope of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE) Collective Agreement.

Code of Conduct Policy

The Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is a public Board-governed institution operating under The Post-Secondary Learning Act. As a publicly funded institution, AUArts requires the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct from Employees and Governors.

Consolidated Graduate Studies Procedures

To provide a set of procedures regarding graduate programs at AUArts.

Credit Curriculum Approval Procedure

This procedure ensures curriculum proposals receive due consideration based on principles of collegiality and recognition for disciplinary expertise. It is in place to ensure that all components of Ministry-approved programs are reviewed by appropriate parties and considered in a timely manner.

Credit Tuition and Student Fee Procedure

To define and document the procedures and guidelines pertaining to the administration of Alberta University of the Arts student credit tuition and fees for undergraduate and graduate approved programs of study.

Credit Tuition and Student Fees Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline principles and processes supporting the development of credit tuition, program and non-instructional fee changes which are subject to approval by the AUArts Board of Governors.

Cyclical Review of Academic Programs Policy

The purpose of Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) program reviews is to ensure students receive the highest possible quality of academic programming.

Cyclical Review of Academic Programs Procedure

The purpose of Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) program reviews is to ensure students receive the highest possible quality of academic programming.

Death of a Student Policy

Alberta University of the Arts aims to respond immediately in a sensitive, caring, and professional manner when a student dies. To ensure that communications are not sent to a deceased student’s next of kin in error, the student’s file must be closed throughout the institution.

Death of a Student Procedure

When the death of a student occurs, it is the responsibility of the University to respond in an appropriate manner. This procedure has been established to ensure a sensitive, caring, and professional response.

Delegation of Authority Policy

Through the Post-Secondary Learning Act, the AUArts Board of Governors may delegate, in writing, any power, duty or function conferred or imposed upon it by the Act, except the power to make Bylaws. This policy establishes the powers, duties and functions delegated by AUArts Board of Governors to the President and CE

Delegation of Signing Authority Policy

Delegation of position signing authority is necessary for the ongoing administrative and operational requirements of the institution; however, the level of delegation must be placed with positions of appropriate responsibility to ensure a system of internal control sufficient to protect the assets of the institution.

Faculty Performance Review Procedure

The purpose of the Faculty Performance Review Procedure is to provide feedback that acknowledges a faculty member’s achievements, identifies areas for improvement, and suggests opportunities for development.

Final Grading Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to provide consistent application of processes related to assignment of final grades for undergraduate and graduate level courses at AUArts.

Financial Management Policy

This policy intends to ensure that Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) provides appropriate and effective stewardship of university funds.

Freedom of Expression Policy

This policy intends to satisfy the directives of the Minister of Advanced Education.

Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Policy

All members of the Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) Community have a right to work and study in an environment that is free from any form of Gender-Based or Sexual

Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Procedure

This Procedure is intended to provide guidance to the AUArts Community with respect to Formal Complaints of alleged Gender-Based or Sexual Violence by a AUArts Community member.

Honorary Degree Procedure

Honorary degrees provide an opportunity for the institution to publicly honour exceptional and unique individuals of national and international stature whose accomplishments support the mission, vision, and values of AUArts and can serve as an example for our students, alumni, community and society.

Indigenous Honorarium Payments Procedure

The purpose of the Indigenous Honoraria Guidelines is to provide direction for the remuneration (honoraria) and culturally appropriate gifts within the university context.

Legislative Compliance Procedure

The intent of this procedure is to address legislative compliance obligations in a practical manner for all aspects of AUArts operations.

Non-Credit Credential Policy

The Purpose of this policy is to establish the university’s approach and provisions for non-credit instruction that leads to the awarding of credentials and the issuance of corresponding documents at AUArts.

Non-Smoking Policy

The Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to the promotion of well-being and the health and safety of all those who attend the campus. AUArts will provide a healthy work and learning environment for the entire community. Smoking on AUArts premises was eliminated on May 1, 1993.

Parchment Procedure

Parchments are awarded as part of the convocation ceremony in the spring for those who are determined to be eligible to graduate from an AUArts credit program.

Policy Development Policy

The purpose of this Policy is intended to promote consistency, efficiency, transparency, compliance and accountability in relation to Policy document development, review, maintenance and communication, and reflects best practice in higher education.

Policy Development Procedure

The purpose of this Procedure is to define the steps by which Policies and Procedures are developed and revised.

Political Contributions Policy

Alberta University of the Arts serves the community at large and must be seen to operate in a fair, democratic and non-partisan manner. Funds or assets of AUArts will not contribute to any political party, individual who holds political office or candidate seeking election at the municipal, provincial or federal level.

Posters Notices and Banners Policy

The policy defines the privileges and responsibilities around mounting posters within Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) campus to promote campus communications and maintain and enhance the environmental quality of the campus.

President and Chair Emeritus/a Policy

The designation of Emeritus/a indicates that an eligible individual is retired and retains the title as an honour. It recognizes exemplary service to Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) as President or Chair of the Board.

President and Chair Emeritus/a Procedure

The honorary titles of President emeritus/a and Chair emeritus/a are bestowed by the institution following the conclusion/departure of the president or chair of Board of Governors who have provided service to Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) over a sufficient period.

Presidential Reappointment Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure Alberta University of the Arts’ President is re-appointed through a process which is transparent, consultative, fair, and effective.

Presidential Search and Review Policy

This Policy sets out the framework for the recruitment, appointment or reappointment, and annual review process of the President of the University.

Public Interest Disclosure Policy

The Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in executing its duties and responsibilities and will foster an environment where all Employees can report wrongdoing without reprisal in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act.

Public Interest Disclosure Procedure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) requires the institution to establish and maintain written procedures, including time periods, for managing and investigating disclosures by employees.

Research Ethics Board Policy

The intent of this Research Ethics Board (REB) policy is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE).

Research Ethics Board Procedure

Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to the application and dissemination of research ethics. It is guided in this by the Tri‐Council Policy Statement’s ‐ TCPS 2 three core principles: respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice.

Respectful Workplace Policy

This policy is intended to identify behaviors considered disrespectful in the workplace, prevent harassment, violence and discrimination of any type, to confirm the University’s commitment to education of members of the University community about the respectful workplace, and to deal effectively with any incident.

Respectful Workplace Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process by which a concern or complaint of harassment, violence, or discrimination, or a violation of the Respectful Workplace Policy is to be reported, investigated, and addressed by the University.

Risk Management Procedure

In accordance with the Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) Risk Management Policy, this procedure describes the Institutional Risk Management process.

Search, Selection and Appointment of a New President Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure Alberta University of the Arts’ President is appointed through a process which is transparent, consultative, fair, and effective.

Secondment Policy

A secondment opportunity can assist in creating organizational flexibility by providing opportunities for the University to have employees from other departments or organizations bring their expertise and transferable skills to fill a position or complete a project.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

This policy explains the University’s expectations of Students, instructors and others concerning Academic integrity, so Students can understand their rights and responsibilities, make informed decisions, and be accountable for those decisions in a fair manner and to a fair outcome.

Student Academic Misconduct Procedure

This procedure outlines the university’s response to incidents of Academic Misconduct of Students. The university is committed to promptly, thoroughly, and impartially responding to Academic Misconduct in a manner that ensures due process and fairness and is in line with the institution’s values.

Student Awards Policy

The Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) Student Awards Program connects students with scholarships, awards, prizes, and bursaries (collectively referred to as awards) each year, in addition to providing access to community and government award opportunities.

Student Awards Procedure

The Student Awards Procedure outlines the responsibilities for the Student Awards Program including the promotion of awards, confirming eligibility, adjudication, selection, and communication of awards as per the AUArts Student Awards Policy.

Student Conduct Policy

AUArts is committed to governing and operating with processes that are transparent, ethical, inclusive, and collegial; and which establish and sustain a respectful and inclusive environment that fosters diversity, individual empowerment, personal progress, and encourages dialogue and mutual support.