Policies and procedures

The AUArts Policy and Procedures website is the central repository that constitutes the official version of all University wide policies and procedures.

These policies and their related procedures have been created to advance the University’s mission, core values, pillars and strategic directions, promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, mitigate or manage institutional risk, comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements, set behavioral expectations across the University community, have broad application and impact throughout the University, and communicate roles and responsibilities. As such, members of the University community have an obligation to comply with University policy. 

The University Secretariat is responsible for the oversight and administration of the University's Policy Framework. Questions regarding the repository may be directed to the University Secretary at boardofgovernors@auarts.ca. Questions on specific policies should be directed to the responsible unit, as indicated on the policy or procedure.

The Registrar's Office is available to assist students with questions that arise concerning the interpretation of these policies or procedures. Related information such as associated forms are located on the Student Success Centre. Additional student regulations are contained in the Academic Calendar.

Policy category
Policy category

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Research Ethics Board Policy

The intent of this Research Ethics Board (REB) policy is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE).

Research Ethics Board Procedure

Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to the application and dissemination of research ethics. It is guided in this by the Tri‐Council Policy Statement’s ‐ TCPS 2 three core principles: respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice.

Respectful Workplace Policy

This policy is intended to identify behaviors considered disrespectful in the workplace, prevent harassment, violence and discrimination of any type, to confirm the University’s commitment to education of members of the University community about the respectful workplace, and to deal effectively with any incident.

Respectful Workplace Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the process by which a concern or complaint of harassment, violence, or discrimination, or a violation of the Respectful Workplace Policy is to be reported, investigated, and addressed by the University.

Risk Management Procedure

In accordance with the Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) Risk Management Policy, this procedure describes the Institutional Risk Management process.