Student information
Everything you need to know about your Student ID, facility services, library access, parking and tax forms.
Make the most of your time on campus by covering your bases and getting to know the below information!
Student ID
AUArts issues an ID card to each Continuing Education student who are enrolled in on-campus courses longer than one day. We encourage Continuing Education students to hold onto your card after the end date of your course, for future use.
Your ID card will provide you access across campus. Use it to release interior doors in stairwells and activate elevators.
Cards are active only during the dates of your course and will be “turned off” once your course ends, and will be re-activated remotely when your next course starts.
You will pick up your ID from the security office before your first class meeting of your course.
Arriving 15 - 20 minutes early will give you plenty of time to get your card and get to class.
If you are registering last minute for a course, your ID card might not be ready for the first class meeting. You can sign out a Temporary ID card from security for that evening’s class and will need to pick up your ID card from reception or security just before your second class meeting.
You are responsible for your card. If you should lose your card, you may purchase a replacement for $25. Please contact our office to request a new ID card.
Your AUArts ID card will also get you a discount on art supplies at a number of local, independent art supply stores in Calgary: Destination Art Supply, Inglewood Art Supply, Kensington Art Supply, and Mona Lisa Materials Ltd. Show your card and course registration when checking out.
Lost or stolen ID cards will be subject to a $25 replacement fee. Worn out cards will be replaced for free at security.
For Single Day Courses: Obtain Temporary ID card from security for your single day course as you will not be issued an AUArts Student ID card.
AUArts is a smoke-free environment. There are designated smoking areas outside of all exterior doors. Please stand 10 metres away from entrances.
The AUArts cafeteria is closed evenings and weekends, we suggest bringing your own snack and water bottle with you. There are food services available on SAIT campus, just a 10 minute walk away.
No food in studio spaces, drinks with lids are allowed.
Please dress appropriately in closed-toed sturdy footwear and non-precious clothes as many art materials leave permanent stains.
The Library is located on the second level of the university and the library staff will be pleased to introduce you to the range of resources available to you. Their specialized collection is focused on supporting contemporary art, design and emerging media practices.
Registration in Personal Interest courses does NOT give students full access to the Luke Lindoe Library. To borrow books from our library, students will require a TAL card, which they can obtain from any public library. When borrowing from the Luke Lindoe Library, students will need a TAL card and acceptable identification, such as photo ID. While using a TAL card, students may borrow a maximum of 5 books.
When not registered in classes, you are welcome to continue to use the library with an Alberta Library (TAL) card.
Bookstore & art supply purchases
Contact Bookstore at or 403.284.7663
Campus Galleries
Learn more about our on-campus galleries.
Learn how to get here and park near your classroom
Jubilee Parkade
Jubilee Parkade, adjacent to AUArts, $8 per entry. Credit card only.
Jubilee Parkade is directly adjacent to AUArts on the south side of the AUArts building. It is accessed from SAIT Way. Pay stations are located on Levels 1,4, 5 and 6. Park on Level 6 (top) and walk in the Main AUArts Entrance. The security office is located in the main mall, where you can retrieve your ID card.
SAIT Parking lots maps and fees
- To get to AUArts from the SAIT Parkade (7-minute walk to AUArts):
- Exit the SAIT Parkade and walk west to the SAIT Campus Centre building.
- Inside the Campus Centre building, veer left past the Parking Pay Station and take the first right, continue past the gymnasiums and across the LRT bridge.
- Proceed down the stairs, go through the white metal doors, along the Jubilee Walkway to the wide flight of stairs (on the left-hand side) that will bring you into the AUArts Main Mall (level 3). Across the Mall and on your right, is the white AUArts main reception desk where you can pick up your ID badge.
- Remember to pay for your parking at the Parking Pay Station before returning to your vehicle in the SAIT Parkade.
Income Tax Forms
Your tax forms (T2202) will be available online in March of the year following your course date.
Continuing Education Students: Please follow the steps below to receive your T2202 form.
You will need your AUArts student ID number to access your tax information. Email Continuing Education for assistance.
- You will need your student number and a six-digit PIN to access your account. If you do not know your PIN, contact the Continuing Education Department at with your full name and request a PIN reset to access your tax form online.
- Log in to Student Self Service (external link) and click the Student Service tab.
- Click on Canadian Tax Forms and enter your Student ID again.
- Select Tax Year and Printable T2202 Form (PDF) click Submit (you can access your tax records dating back to 2004).
- If the error message "Social insurance number (SIN) is invalid, provide valid SIN" pops up, you can bypass this by pressing "OK". You can still print your tax form without providing a SIN.