Registrar's Office
The Office of the Registrar provides a wide range of services to future and current students and alumni including academic support, registration, graduation and convocation, transfers and transcript requests.
Find everything you need to plan your schedule and register for courses.
Tuition and fees
Find everything related to paying deposits, tuition, fees and tax forms.
Tuition and fees are determined by AUArts’s Board of Governors, and may change without notice.
Forms and documents
Current students can find everything they need such as name change, transcript requests, appeal and withdrawal forms in one convenient place.
If you attended AUArts in the past, we can provide a request replacement credential or transcript.
Awards and scholarships
AUArts connects students with over $200,000 in scholarships, awards, bursaries, fellowships and prizes (collectively Awards) each year, in addition to providing access to community and government award opportunities.