Policies and procedures

The AUArts Policy and Procedures website is the central repository that constitutes the official version of all University wide policies and procedures.

These policies and their related procedures have been created to advance the University’s mission, core values, pillars and strategic directions, promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, mitigate or manage institutional risk, comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements, set behavioral expectations across the University community, have broad application and impact throughout the University, and communicate roles and responsibilities. As such, members of the University community have an obligation to comply with University policy. 

The University Secretariat is responsible for the oversight and administration of the University's Policy Framework. Questions regarding the repository may be directed to the University Secretary at cherie.tutt@auarts.ca. Questions on specific policies should be directed to the responsible unit, as indicated on the policy or procedure.

Policy category
Policy category

12 of 133 results

Academic Date Setting Procedure

The intent of this procedure is to standardize the development of and to provide guidelines for setting academic dates.

Academic Programs Quality Assurance Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to provide an overview of the quality assurance processes in place at Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) to ensure that AUArts students receive the highest possible quality of academic programming.

Academic Scheduling Policy

This policy articulates the principles and priorities that inform decision making related to the scheduling of graduate and undergraduate courses to optimize the student experience as well as the use of academic space at AUArts.

Acceptance of Philanthropy Policy

This policy ensures the consistent and ethical consideration of potential philanthropic gifts to AUArts and informs decisions on their acceptance. Once support has been received, the conditions of the agreement with the contributor must also be met.

Acceptance of Philanthropy Procedure

This Acceptance of Philanthropy Procedure outlines how the Acceptance of Philanthropy Policy is implemented.

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy

Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to ensuring the lawful and consistent collection, use, disclosure, and protection of information under its custody and control.

Admissions Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to outline the admission process for all individuals who are applying for admission to graduate and undergraduate programs at Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts).