Donate to AUArts

Your donation today will help ensure a vital and vibrant art, craft and design community. Here are ways you can give.

Support the Centennial Scholarships Campaign to help provide ‘full-ride’ scholarships to our students as AUArts celebrates 100 years of shaping Canada’s creative landscape. 

Invest in a creative future

Support scholarships, bursaries & awards

The AUArts Scholarships & Awards Program supports emerging artists and designers as they develop their talents at AUArts.

Support scholarships, bursaries and awards

AUArts Boost-A-Student Fund

For our 1,200 students, their future is art, craft and design, and some are in desperate need of a boost of support.

AUArts Boost-A-Student Fund

Become a corporate sponsor or community partner

From sponsoring an AUArts event, exhibition or visiting artist to creating work integrated learning opportunities for AUArts students at your company, there are many ways to support the development of a creative economy. 

Contact the AUArts Advancement Office at 403.284.6238 or by email


Support Illingworth Kerr Gallery

Alberta University of the Arts' Illingworth Kerr Gallery (IKG) is a world-class exhibition space and flexible platform for critical enquiry and theoretical debate with a focus on visual culture.

Support Illingworth Kerr Gallery

MFA Scholarships & Awards Fund

Support our graduate students by donating to our MFA Scholarships & Awards Fund. 

MFA Scholarships & Awards Fund

Leave a creative legacy

Supporting the future of AUArts through a bequest in your will or another type of planned gift will make a meaningful statement about your passion for the creative arts.  

There are many options for leaving a creative legacy to benefit the future of AUArts, and several provide tax benefits for you to enjoy now.  

  • Leave a gift in your will 

  • Donate a life insurance policy 

  • Name AUArts as a beneficiary of an RRSP or RRIF 

  • Give through an annuity 

  • Arrange a charitable remainder trust 

AUArts encourages you to consult with your professional advisors on the most appropriate type of legacy gift to meet your individual financial and tax situation.  

For more information, please contact email

Honour someone with a tribute gift

Sometimes finding a unique gift for a special person can be a challenge. With a tribute gift, you can celebrate a friend, colleague or loved one by supporting the arts in their name.

Donate publicly traded shares

A gift of publicly traded shares is a unique way to support AUArts and offers a meaningful tax benefit for you.   

The process is simple. You can transfer securities electronically from your account to AUArts’ account. Contact us for more information or download a publicly traded gift of securities transfer form

You’ll receive an official tax receipt for the full market value of your investments as calculated on the date they are received by AUArts.