Soul SisterThis print is a reflection of the sister-like bonds in friendship. After practicing linocut techniques repeatedly—studying the depthness of my cuts, the angles of my tools, and controlling the strength in my wrists—I created this final piece. This artwork honours my friend and captures the strength of our relationship through the lines I carved. Our initials are engraved on bracelet charms, a token commonly symbolizing friendship. The embrace conveys our physical closeness, representing how we are a source of protection and support for each other. The most challenging part of the process was transferring a sense of liveliness in my lines. I carefully followed the contours of the faces, maneuvering the lines around important features to bring tenderness and expression. I kept in mind the negative and positive space to define the shapes of the portraits, always visualizing how the piece would appear when printed. The frame transforms the piece into a photo, one that captured our friendship forever and could be hung on the wall. However, I let the arms extend out the frame to symbolize the value of our shared present existence. Whenever I look at this piece, I am reminded of the fond memories with my friend. |