Surgeon operating on goll, Promedie Bunduki Mamuzi artwork
Surgeon operating on doll

This second art piece is centred around the theme of containment, where I am the main subject/character. The surgeon symbolizes my aspirations into becoming a doctor and further pursuing medicine, this dream job soon became a nightmare as my family members began to idolize this occupation thus forcing me into a corner in order to pursue this career. The surgeon is performing a surgery on a small doll-like version of myself which represents my artistic dream/aspirations, before medicine had peaked my interest I had always dreamt of pursuing an artistic career. However, this is now an untrainable dream that I must tarnish inorder to prevail in medicine. Although I find it hard to separate art from my life entirely, the surgeon is physically removing the heart(representing my love/optimism of art) of an artist in the hopes of killing my love for art and innocence. The background represents my confused state where I’m not too sure about whether or not my medical dream is negatively tainted, and what I would like to pursue after medical school where I will be faced with endless possibilities. The blurry background helps to enhance the fact that my future is not set in stone and how it may sway between art and science. The scrub cap serves to emphasize this state of doubt as as I haven’t come to terms with the total removal of a passion in order to pursue a career. This moral dilemma prevents me from fulfilling the final decisions obligated to pursue in a a specific occupation, leaving the scrub cap bare without any personality or attention to detail due my head not fully rendering this decision; mourning the death of my artistic career.