Miranda Guerrero Rodriguez

Nightmares, Miranda Guerrero  Rodriguez artwork

Nightmares portrays the word that only exists in our sleep, beyond any physics laws or rationality. This piece took inspiration from my own dreams and the complexity of layers that they have whether that is in scenarios, elements, or storylines. 

The main feeling that I wanted to communicate through this piece was confusion. Trigger questions of what was happening in the picture but also the reason. I wanted to provoke curiosity in the viewer to search for the answer themselves and get lost in the organized chaos of the drawing. I had a lot of fun when making it.

The elements I included in this piece are all very distinct from each other. They are all regular things or actions from our world, yet somehow discomforting…

I found the scale and the use of focal points as the most impactful elements in bringing this idea to life successfully. Something I experimented in particular with was the creation of eye movement through visual lines and the placing of elements. 

As dreams are something that can only be shared through words, I wanted to create a visual representation of them to share with others.