MummerMummering is an old Newfoundland and Labrador tradition that I associate with my Nan and Pop, because of ‘The Mummer Song’. Every morning, my Pop would knock on the basement door, saying the well known line “Any mummers ‘llowed in?”, while I would go around the house wearing a scarf as a dress and mittens on my feet. I never actually went mummering, but it still played an important part in my family’s Christmas, connecting the holiday to Newfoundland culture. I was inspired to make this doll for my family, to hold all the memories of Pop and past Christmases, to celebrate my Newfoundland culture, and to spread the joy, fun, and community that mummers represent. The crochet project pushed me outside my comfort zone to make a tiny and creative outfit that made a unique mummer. While a lot of time and effort was put into it, I believe it was worth it for the special Christmas decoration, that means more to my family than any old crochet thing I make. |