Grade 11, Alberta Composite High School, Alberta

Right now I am being rapidly pulled to the biggest decision someone my age should have to make: what to do with life beyond high school. I am torn two ways and have been for awhile. I feel like my loon, propelled out of the safety of the water and out into the open air, thrashing with uncertainty. I have a passion for zoology, specifically ornithology, the study of birds. It would be an amazing career, one that I dream of. However, I fear that I will be unable to follow my passion of the arts if I choose to pursue the sciences, too busy to have time for a hobby, forced to watch my passion drown. I fear the same thing if I choose a career in art, that my creative wells and inspiration will dry up as they are drawn from wildlife. To be able to create is my air and animals are my water. I need both. I hope that one day I can take after a loon. That I am able to find the best of both worlds, to be in both water and air simultaneously and thrive while doing so