Inter(connected) is an exhibition of work by the 2022-2023 hear/d residency artist cohort: Ella Crompton, Brendan Djentle Hamilton, Liz Kim, AJ Kluck, Sydney Paquette, Sid Serafin, Jiaqi Shi, Juli Song, Sasha Terway and Christina Yao.
Each of these artists were prompted to explore themes of mental health and resiliency in ways that resonated with them. Artists met weekly, throughout the school year, in meetings facilitated by peer-mentors Elise Lavallee Findlay and Levin Ifko. Through discussions, as well as their own musings and experiences, they created Inter(connected), an exhibition that explores each artists’ relationships to vulnerability, growth, tension and in-betweenness, in ways that are so much more than linear.
The Hear/d Residency is a program where residents collaborate on the research, development, creation and curation of an exhibition that explores the theme of mental health.