Grad Show 2007, Installation view, 2000.

12 Apr 2000 - 12 May 2000

Illingworth Kerr Gallery

Grad Show 2000

Celebrate the talent and creativity of our graduates.

The annual Graduating Students exhibition features the work of of graduating students from ACAD’s Ceramics, Drawing, Fibre, Glass, Jewellery + Metals, Media Arts + Digital Technologies, Painting, Photography, Print Media, Sculpture, and Visual Communication Design programs. This year, The Illingworth Kerry Gallery at ACAD presents work in the gallery and throughout the College by our graduating students, including the recipients of ACAD’s Board of Governor Awards.

List of artists: 

Keli Alberts

Melanie Arnold

Janet Assen

Cory Baldy

Elyte Balkyte-Zubis

Erin Barisoff

Henry Barros

Christopher Bell

Nathaniel Bell

Dolores Bender

Paul Beseau

Bill Bewick

Nathan Birch

Laila Bishoff

Alisha Boyd

Judy Brown

Steve Buckingham

Lesley Carter

Denis Chicoine

Caesar Chili

Tin Chiu

Toni Clark

Joleen Claypool

Aimee Coulombe

Sharon Culp

Tanya Curtice

Karrie Davis

Ryan Dean

Krzysztof Debicki

Danielle Degen

Sheila Dennis

Barbara Deno-McNair

Susan Dick

Kaija Dirkson

Steven Driedger

Eric Dyck

Antoinette Ferrari

Tara Ferris

Steven Figeczki

Susan Fraser

Barclay Gellhaus

Larissa Gingerich

Monalyn Gracia

Danniel Graham

Nicole Halverson

Bonnie Haughton

Jocelyn Hawkins

Scott Hayden

Noel Heard

Paul Henderson

Aron Hill

Douglas Hironaka

Keith Holliday

Andrea Hrysko

Mark Johnson

Janice Johnson

Mathew Kabatoff

Kara Keith

Takao Kitagawa

Diana Koster

Julia Kube

Erica Larsen

Annalise Lautner

Tammy Lee

Danny Lin

Darlene Lobos

Damien Manchuk

Melody Mazalin

Nadine McConnan

D. Leeann McDonald

Christopher Millar

Robert Miller

Kate Mitchell

Candace Moon

Shannon Morgan

Heidi Morrison

Jennifer Nagel

Ryan Nordlund

Jana Norris

Katherine Nowlan

Sean O'Hanlon

Robyn Oliver

Briana Palmer

Philip Pass

Stacy Pawlowich

Xavier Rabasso

Helena Rae

Shona Rae

Jesse Ramage

Jason Rault

Sue Raven

Anthony Reiss

Andre Renner

Theresa Reynolds

Jade Rude

Mary Ruskowsky

Douglas Seidl

Jaymie Senga

Siri Setre

Casey Sherstobitoff

Arundel Silk

Susan Staniforth

Jodi Statler

Ryan Statz

Shannon Stratton

Elzbieta Swiergala

Jared Sych

Zin Taylor

Kellee Terpstra

Janice Thoroughgood

Joelle Thrasher-Andison

Shelly Van Kuppeveld

Frederick Velasco

Jase Von Zarovich

Carol Voyt

Corrina  Walker

Debra Ward

Dennise Watson

Jeff Way

Erin White

Audrey Whitlock

Felix Wong

Jason Woolley

Lisa Wylie

Kathleen Ypma

Simone Zahradka

Kristina Zee

Andrew Zoller