
5 Oct 2017

First Anniversary of the Lodgepole Center

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The Alberta College of Art + Design celebrated the Lodgepole Center’s first anniversary on October 5, 2017.

To celebrate and honour the occasion ACAD added two works to the IKG’s permanent collection:

Adrian Stimson (BFA 2003)
Fuse 2, oil and graphite on canvas
60″ x 84″, 2010

Jared Tailfeathers (BFA 2018)
Waasii (pro: Wa-asii.) Blackfoot for Crazy/Daring Instrument 
Odds and Ends” musical Album
Wood, leather, electric instrument components (tuning pegs, pickup, jack), Multi-media, including bone wall mounts
42″ x 10″, 2016


Images courtesy Andy Nichols