Committee structure

Steering Committee 
Mandate and Role
The Steering Committee is the executive body of General Faculties Council (GFC). It is charged with preparing the GFC agenda and carrying out the functions delegated to it by GFC. The Committee acts on behalf of GFC in areas as defined in the terms of reference. The Chair may bring forward items to the committee for advice.

The Committee may be called upon to consider or recommend to GFC on any academic matter within its mandate and has delegated authority from GFC to provide advice to the Board of Governors on budget matters.

Academic Planning and Oversight Committee 
Mandate and Role
The Academic Planning and Oversight Committee maintains quality assurance of academic programs and academic concerns relating to the University as a whole. It oversees long-term academic plans and considers their implications for the university’s academic, financial, and facilities development. It assesses major curriculum changes and recommends cyclical program reviews to GFC. The Committees is also responsible for extra-institutional academic matters.

The Committee may be called upon to discuss or recommend to GFC on any academic matter within its mandate and has delegated authority from GFC to provide advice to the Board of Governors on budgetary matters.

Academic Policy Committee 
Mandate and Role
The Academic Policy Committee is responsible for reviewing academic dates, the academic calendar, developing academic policy for recommendation to GFC. As per a review schedule, reviewing student academic policies and procedures.

Student Affairs Committee 
Mandate and Role
The Student Affairs Committee works to the betterment of student life on campus. It oversees the application of university procedure with respect to student misconduct hearings and student appeals.

Research Committee 
Mandate and Role
The Research Committee reviews and develops practices, procedures, and initiatives that organize, support, and promote undergraduate, graduate, and faculty research across all areas of the university.

School Council Terms of Reference 
Mandate and Role
School Councils are standing committees of General Faculties Council (GFC). Each academic School has its own School Council. School Councils provide a faculty-driven forum for development and review of curriculum and the discussion of other academic matters relevant to the School.