Donating to the library

The library welcomes financial support as well as gifts-in-kind. Please contact the library to make a donation. 

In-kind donations 

The Library selectively accepts donations of gifts-in-kind. All items must be in good physical condition in order to be introduced into the collection. Additionally, the following collection development standards apply: 

  • Supports diverse curriculum, teaching, learning and research activity at AUArts 

  • Represents currency and/or new scholarship 

  • Enhances historical representation in the collection 

  • Fills identified gaps in the collection 

  • Provides most recent edition 

  • Replaces essential lost, missing or worn item 

  • English or bilingual content 

The Library reserves the right to sell items in reasonable condition, with proceeds used to enhance library resources. Items deemed not saleable will be discarded and when possible disposed of through the university recycling program. 

*As a general rule the Library does not appraise gifts, nor arrange for tax receipts.