Interwoven Links, Akuol Makuei artwork
Interwoven Links

Nothing in nature is identical, just as we humans are not identical. To me, living is going beyond expectations and elevating the essentials of life to live it to the fullest. Living my genuine self is to love, and experience what life has to bring. Humans inhabit the Earth, however, each is unique with personalities that differ, just as trees bear different fruit and each bark, a unique pattern. Trees contain roots that are embedded into the Earth, and the things I love are embedded into my personality, which has shifted due to my roots of being black. 
Because of the skin I was born into, I have faced numerous challenges. Many continue to attempt to tear black people down with prejudice and racism, just as nature continues to struggle with pollution and deforestation. However, just as in nature, it is not what happens to me that defines who I am, but how I react to, and overcome this. The world may be rooting for my downfall, but I continue to grow toward the light because I know who I am.

I am resilient, powerful, beautiful like nature- words I've come to find synonymous with being black.