Virile, Adam St.Cyr artwork

This piece was completed for my school assignment to create a conceptual abstract artwork. I built this piece with the intention of discussing the paradoxical nature of societal masculinity, inspired by (and named after) Moses Sumney’s song ‘Virile’. Masculinity is a wildly delicate dance masquerading as an indestructible truth. When masculinity turns sour it rots an individual to the core, but the delicacy never truly fades. To illustrate this I loosely referenced mould and Petri dishes to emulate the decay of an individual when they are overcome by toxic masculine societal norms. The glittery colour and mouldy elements are directly contrasted by the stark white background to display the tender waltz between softness and strength that masculinity has the possibility of being. The masculine is a divine thing, it’s a soft flow of energy and light, but the expectations put forward onto men breaks down this energy into harsh violent decay.