What to expect after you apply

Thank you for applying to AUArts!

Questions about what comes next? Reach out to us at admissions@auarts.ca.

Within 2 business days: You’ll receive a confirmation email informing you we received your application and are processing it. The email will also contain a link to SlideRoom where you'll submit your portfolio.

Within 2 business weeks: Once your application, portfolio and supporting documents (transcripts and/or ELP if applicable) have been evaluated, you’ll receive another email informing you we’ve either conditionally accepted, waitlisted or declined your application. The email you receive will outline all additional requirements, so be sure to read through it carefully. Here’s what it all means:

Conditionally accepted

Congratulations! You’re almost there. Conditional acceptance means we’ve reviewed and accepted your application and portfolio but need your confirmation deposit fee and any outstanding documents to finalize your admission. This includes official transcripts and English proficiency documents (final copies are due by August 1 for all applicants).

If your email didn’t specify any outstanding documents, great! Pay your confirmation fee by May 1 (the priority deadline for this fee) and you’re good to go.

If your email requests official transcripts or English proficiency documents, make sure these reach us by August 1.

If we don’t receive your documents in time, your conditional acceptance will be withdrawn, and you’ll have to reapply to the university later. 

Fully accepted

Once all conditions of your application have been met (outlined above), you will receive an email from AUArts confirming your full offer of acceptance. 


If your letter says your application was declined, don’t worry; there are several things you can do to increase your chances of being accepted next time. 

If your application was declined because of your portfolio score, book a virtual portfolio review (external link)This will allow you to have your portfolio evaluated and learn how you can strengthen it. 

You should also take a Continuing Education (external link) portfolio preparation or drawing course to develop your portfolio and familiarize yourself with AUArts. Most of all, we encourage you to try daily observational drawings independently, so carry a sketchbook with you and draw what you see. It often takes time to develop as an artist, so give yourself the time you need and get practicing! 


Waitlisted means you’ve met our admission requirements, but our seats are full. The good news is that our admissions office will contact you should a seat become available.