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3 Jul 2008 - 23 Aug 2008

Illingworth Kerr Gallery

The Big Gift

Various Artists

Eric Glaven, Paul P., Carl Rungius, Brad Phillips, Lynne Cohen, Ivie Kineko, Eric Cameron, Frances Ann Hopkins, Baron Willhelm von Gloeden, Marcel Dzama, Ron Moppett, Robert Bateman, Holly Coulis, Sue De Beer, Andre Ethier, Tim Gardner, Chris Johanson, Henriette Grahnert, Greg Staats, Michael Harrington, Benjamin Butler, Dan Kopp, Bonnie Marin, Chris Rogers, Scott Mcfarland, Anawakulo, Frank Earle Schoonover, Gunter Nolte, Marcel Van Eeden

During the summer of 2008 the Illingworth Kerr Gallery has the great pleasure of exhibiting a truly eclectic selection of recent and historical artworks from the collection of the Glenbow Museum. Jeffrey Spalding, Director of the Glenbow, announced The Big Gift as his institution's attempt to showcase and promote new acquisitions in contemporary art that have entered the burgeoning collection. Both the Nickle Art Museum and the IKG were asked to participate in The Big Gift by freely choosing any number of works from the Glenbow Museum for exhibition. The IKG exhibition is comprised of works with the following criteria in mind: related aesthetic qualities in contemporary and historical art; unique or rarely exhibited pieces, which, when juxtaposed with one another, would expand the vision of the Glenbow Museum's collection; and a nod to the recent donations of paintings and drawings by Toronto collectors, George Hartman and Paul E. Bain.