Installation view of Nameless Waters, Bobbie Oliver, 1999

9 Sep 1999 - 2 Oct 1999


Thursday September 9, 2007
– 10 PM

Illingworth Kerr Gallery

Nameless Waters

Bobbie Oliver: Nameless Waters

Nameless Waters is an exhibition of 11 paintings completed between1993 - 1998 by the New York based Canadian artist Bobbie Oliver. These are abstract and lyrical in nature, and although minimalist in execution, they do make reference to the natural world. There is a silence in Oliver's work which is almost audible. We are drawn into the spaces that open up between her discrete forms. In order to appreciate the paintings as an organic whole with its own inner logic, we must focus on these spaces, for these thematic gaps have as much to say about the history of painting as the marks themselves. We do not "read" an Oliver painting in terms of its iconography, but in terms of the overall space or spaces - it offers and opens up in our perception. 


This exhibition is curated by James D. Campbell and organized and circulated by The University of Waterloo Art Gallery.