
1 Aug 2024 - 31 Aug 2024

Thursday to Saturday in August, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., FREE, drop-in

Sparrow Artspace

Making A Mark: The practice of our shared creativity in community

Jane Finley and Colleen Doylend will weave collage, painting, photography and printmaking from their individual and collaborative artistic practices.

Jane Finley (BFA '20, Painting) and Colleen Doylend will weave collage, painting, photography and printmaking from their individual and collaborative artistic practices and engage in a multifaceted exploration of creativity and community engagement. They are working this month on the modest act of mark making. What marks the making of a collaborative work? How might we make marks on a surface? How do we make marks in other’s minds with our creative effort? They welcome your visit from the neighborhood and beyond, to see the show and work in progress, have a snack, and contribute to the creative endeavours in a special community collage project.