
29 Sep 2021

3 – 5PM MST
Online Event | Zoom link

Emerging Art Writers Program: 1 2 3 Community Event

Emerging Art Writers Program 1 2 3 Community Event-banner.jpeg
Zoom link

Hosted by the Illingworth Kerr Gallery, we are excited to celebrate the first two cohorts of the Emerging Art Writers Program.

Hosted by the Illingworth Kerr Gallery, we are excited to celebrate the first two cohorts (Program 1 and Program 2) of the Emerging Art Writers Program with readings and a discussion about the program and critical art writing more broadly. Following this, Dr. Ashley Scarlett and our guest mentor Steph Wong Ken will introduce the thematic for the third iteration of the Emerging Art Writers Program.

3 – 4 PM | Facilitator Dr. Mark Clintberg will lead a discussion with previous participants about the program and their published texts.

4 – 5 PM | Dr. Ashley Scarlett and guest mentor Steph Wong Ken will introduce EAWP 3 and provide information on this years theme and how to apply.