Student personal information use and disclosure

AUArts may use personal information only for the purpose which it was originally collected. Unless the individual the information is about has identified the information and consented to the intended further use of the information. Otherwise, AUArts uses and discloses personal information, according to the FOIP Act, in the following instances: 

Prospective student and applicant personal information

Applicants are any individuals who apply to student at AUArts. 

For prospective students we only collect contact information and program of interest information. 

For applicants, we collect information to inform the application and selection processes (e.g., grades and academic history), and to enable analysis of our processes for fairness and equity (e.g., demographic information). Some of this information is transferred to a student record if the applicant is admitted to the University.

The information collected supports the admissions process and helps AUArts:

  • determine student admissibility to the university and program of study.
  • determine eligibility for merit-based funding and needs-based financial assistance.
  • determine and understand the diverse representation of our student body.
  • to analyze trends in application and enrolment as well as student pathways into programs, and the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful applicants.

Note: Documents for unsuccessful applicants, or applicants who did not register, are securely disposed of two years after the year of application or anticipated enrolment year.

Student personal information 

Student information is considered personal information under the FOIP and is used and disclosed according to the provisions in the Act.  However, AUArts may release some of that information, including a student’s name, whether or not they are registered, and the credential awarded (i.e. degree, certificate, etc.), unless the student has requested that those specific pieces of information remain confidential. AUArts may be required to disclose student information according to other provisions of FOIP and other applicable law.

AUArts may also receive student personal information from other relevant sources including, secondary schools, other post-secondary institutions previously attended and third-party services and test score providers where the items collected form a part of the admission process to an AUArts program. 

Academic administration

Aggregate information (i.e., information that does not identify an individual student) on admission, registration, other activities related to attending courses of instruction, academic standing and graduation will be used for statistical, program evaluation and institutional research purposes by AUArts. Aggregate information may also be disclosed to other post-secondary educational institutions as well as the provincial and federal governments for similar purposes. 

Information pertaining to a student’s academic career will form part of the student record which will be used to record academic standing, administer awards and financial aid, authorize Library access and produce graduation lists. 

Administration of AUArts academic support services 

A student’s information on admission, registration, academic standing and graduation may be disclosed and used for the routine administration of AUArts academic support services including by not restricted to the Office of the Registrar, the Writing Centre, Disability Services, Student Counseling, Lodgepole Center, Academic Advising and Financial Services. The amount and type of information is disclosed according to student activity and need.

Administration of AUArts non-academic support services 

An individual’s information on admission, registration, academic standing and graduation may be disclosed and used for the routine administration of services including but not restricted to Student Association, security services, alumni relations, and to SAIT recreation. The amount and type of information is disclosed according to student activity and need.

Scholarship and Financial Aid 

Personal student information submitted on scholarship and bursary applications will be used to determine an individual’s eligibility for an award and for contact purposes. AUArts also uses student personal information already collected, including but not limited to grades, to evaluate and nominate students to receive financial awards. Limited personal information is disclosed to the Government of Alberta (Student Aid Alberta) to verify eligibility concerning scholarships and other funding opportunities on behalf of students in accordance with grant funding agreements. In the event an award is given, personal information will be used for taxation purposes and/or travel waivers as applicable.  

Marketing and recruitment 

Aggregated information on admission, registration, activities related to attending courses of instruction, academic standing and graduation may be used for promotional or recruitment activities. Personal information, such as photographs, collected for the purpose of marketing and recruitment will be explicitly authorized for use using the AUArts Image Release form. 

Retention and disposal of information 

All documents submitted to support admission are in the custody and control of AUArts and are retained and destroyed according to the applicable Records Management Policy. 

Status of minors 

According to the FOIP Act a minor is a person under the age of 18 years of age, however those students who enroll at AUArts prior to turning 18 years of age, unless there is evidence to the contrary, are ‘mature minors’, who may make independent decisions about the management of their own personal information under FOIP.

Guardians or other individuals who seek personal information of any registered student will not receive such information unless written permission has been provided by the registered student, detailing the type of information that can be shared and with whom.