Travel and expense disclosure

As a publicly funded institution, Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts) is committed to transparency and being accountable for the prudent and effective stewardship of university funds.

The university demonstrates this commitment through the effective use of resources and quarterly public disclosure of expenses incurred by and reimbursed to senior university officials. The university’s Public Disclosure of Expense procedure mirrors the Public Disclosure of Travel and Expenses Policy passed by the Government of Alberta in October 2012. Reports summarizing the details of expenses incurred by the following senior university officials: Chair of the Board of Governors, the President and CEO, Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents are located below. The expenses disclosed represent costs and allowances incurred by an individual in the course of university business and include

Travel: transportation, accommodation, meals and incidental costs;

Hospitality: expenses incurred in respect to hosting a guest of the university or individuals otherwise not engaged in work for the university as a matter of courtesy;

Working sessions: expenses incurred in respect to food or beverages provided to university staff or to any third parties attending meetings to facilitate university business.  

These expenses are published on a quarterly basis and will remain on the website for two years. Information normally withheld under the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act has been redacted from the following reports.
