Acronym Guide: Categories
To make an addition or edit to the Acronym Guide please contact
ACAD | Alberta College of Art and Design |
AICAD | Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design |
AVP | Associate Vice President |
BoG | Board of Governors |
CAN | Canada |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CMT | Crisis Management Team |
ConEd | Continuing Education |
COPPOA | Council of Post Secondary Presidents of Alberta |
COWFLOP | Council of Western Canadian Financial, Logistical and Operational Personnel |
CTS | Computing and Technical Services |
EA | Executive Assistant |
EDI | Equity Diversity and Inclusion |
FA | Faculty Association |
FLE | Full Load Equivalent |
FOIP | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
GFC | General Faculties Council |
GOA | Government of Alberta |
HR | Human Resources |
IKG | Illingworth Kerr Gallery |
LC | Legislative Compliance |
OPS Grant | Operating and Program Support Grant |
P + P | Policies and Procedures |
PCard | Procurement Card |
PCI | Payment Card Industry |
PSI | Post-Secondary Institutions |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Quote |
RMT | Recovery Management Team |
RRP | Request for Proposal |
SA | Students' Association |
SAC | Student Affairs Committee |
TA | Teachers Assistant |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
VP | Vice President |
WIEL | Work Integrated Experiential Learning |
WIL | Work-Integrated Learning |
APC | Academic Policy Committee |
APOC | Academic Planning and Oversight Committee |
BoG | Board of Governors |
CC | Curriculum Committee |
COWCUBS | Council of Western Canadian University Board Secretaries |
CUBA | Canadian University Boards Association |
F&AC | Finance and Audit Committee |
G&HRC | Governance & Human Resource Committee |
GFC | General Faculties Council |
HDC | Honorary Degree Committee |
RC | Research Committee |
SC | Steering Committee |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
Computing and Technical Services
2FA | 2 Factor Authentication |
AD | Active Directory |
AV | Audio Visual |
ATIF | AUArts Technology Initiative Form |
CAA | Computer Accounts Administrator |
CAB | Change Advisory Board |
CTS | Computing and Technical Services |
DB | Database |
DL | Distribution List |
ES | Enterprise Solutions |
GAL | Global Address List |
ITSC | IT Steering Committee |
LFR | Little Rubber Feet |
M365 | Microsoft 365 |
O365 | Office 365 |
RACI | Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed |
RFC | Request for change |
SOP | Standard Operation Procedure/Process |
SSPR | Self-Service Password Reset |
TLA | Three Letter Acronyms |
VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
Health and Safety / Facilities
AED | Automated External Defibrillator |
AGLC | Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission |
AHS | Alberta Health Services |
BCP | Business Continuity Plan |
CASF | COVID-19 Access Screening Form |
CCTV | Closed circuit television |
CFD | Calgary Fire Department |
COC | Campus Operations Coordinator |
CPD | Calgary Policy Service |
CSM | Client Service Manager |
DCO | Director Campus Operations |
DOAP | Downtown Outreach Addiction Partnership |
EAT | Education Art Technician |
ELIA | European League of Institutes of the Arts |
EM | Emergency Management |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
ERP | Emergency Response Plan |
FM | Facility Maintenance |
GoD | Guard on Duty |
H & S | Health and Safety |
IR | Incident Report |
JWHSC | Joint Workplace Health & Safety Committee |
OHSA | Occupational Health and Safety Act |
PM | Preventive Maintenance |
PPE | Personal Protection Equipment |
PSI | Post Secondary Institution |
RPA | Red Panel Alarm |
S/G | Security Guard |
SA | Studio Assistant |
SWO | SAIT Work Order |
ToR | Terms of Reference |
WCB | Workers Compensation Board |
Office of Research and Academic Affairs
CCST | Critical and Creative Studies |
CRMC | Ceramics |
DRWG | Drawing |
ENGL | English |
FBRE | Fibre |
FINA | Fine Arts |
GLSS | Glass |
JWLM | Jewlery and Metals |
MADT | Media Arts |
OBDF | Object Design |
PHTG | Photography |
PNTG | Painting |
PPRL | Professional and Practice-Related Learning |
PRNT | Print Media |
SCLP | Sculpture |
SOSC | Social Science |
VCD | Visual Communications Design |
AUArts School Councils
SCCS | School of Critical and Creative Studies |
SCD | School of Communication Design |
SCEM | School of Craft + Emerging Media |
SVA | School of Visual Arts |
Degrees and Designations
BDES | Bachelor of Design Studies |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
HD | Honorary Degree |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts |
AACTI | Alberta Association of Colleges and Technical Institutes |
AACTI-IMC | AACTI Innovation Management Committee |
AAHEIT | Alberta Association in Higher Education for Information Technology |
ACAT | Alberta Council of Admissions and Transfer |
AE | Alberta Education |
AHS | Alberta Health Services |
AIT | Apprenticeship & Industry Training |
ALIS | Alberta Learning Information Service (Service providing career, learning and employment information) |
APAS | Alberta Post-Secondary Application System |
ApplyAlberta | Online application and transcript transfer system owned and maintained by APAS |
ARDN | Alberta Rural Development Network |
ASI | Application Submission Initiative (IEA) (Fall term data on applications and registration status of applicants, continuing and returning students’ information) |
ASN | Alberta Student Number |
ATOMS | Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupation Management System |
AUArts | Alberta University of the Arts |
AUPE | Alberta Union of Provincial Employees |
BASI | Baccalaureate and Applied Studies Institution |
CAQC | Campus Alberta Quality Council |
CARI | Comprehensive Academic and Research Institution |
CASDC | Campus Alberta Strategic Directions Committee |
CAUBO | Canadian Association of University Business Officers |
CCI | Comprehensive Community Institution |
DCaR | Data Collection and Reporting |
IAE | Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education |
IAI | Independent Academic Institution |
LERS | Learner Enrolment Reporting Systems |
NAPAHE | National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education |
NASAD | National Association of Schools of Art and Design |
PAPRS | Provider and Program Registry System |
PASI | Provincial Approach to Student Information (AE) |
PESC | Post-Secondary Electronic Standards Council |
Proxy | Mediating service between ApplyAlberta and institution systems (APAS) |
PSIS | Postsecondary Student Information System (Statistics Canada) |
PT | Polytechnical Institution |
PVT | Private Vocational Training Institution |
RABCCA | Reform of Agencies, Boards and Commissions Compensation Act |
RBC | Royal Bank of Canada |
SACI | Specialized Arts and Culture Institution |
SFS | Student Finances Systeme (Student funding system managed by Student Aid Alberta) |
SHR | Stakeholder Registry |
SIAMS | Secure Identity and Access Management Systems |
SIS/ERP | Student Information System/Enterprise Resource Planning |
TD | Toronto Dominion (Bank) |
Toolkit | Interim solution for institutions without integrated transcript requesting and fulfilling capabilities (APAS) |
TransferAlberta | Service providing information on learner pathways, including the online Transfer Guide |
WHIMS | Workplace Hazardous Material Information System |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WIIFM | What's in it for me? |
Alberta Advanced Education Ministry
PSI | Post Secondary Institution |
APAGA | Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act |
APAGP | Alberta Public Agencies Governance Policy |
PSLA | Post Secondary Learning Act |
Post Secondary Institutions
ECU | Emily Carr University |
NSCAD | NSCAD University |
OCADU | OCAD University |
VFS | Vancouver Film School |
Alberta Post Secondary Institutions
BVC | Bow Valley College |
GPRC | Grande Prairie Regional College |
MHC | Medicine Hat College |
MRU | Mount Royal University |
NQC | NorQuest College |
NAIT | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology |
NLC | Northern Lakes College |
RDC | Red Deer College |
SAIT | Southern Alberta Institute of Technology |
SMU | St. Mary's University |
U of A | University of Alberta |
U of C | University of Calgary |
U of L | University of Lethbridge |
Dr. | Doctor |
Mr. | Mister |
Mrs. | Missus |
Ms. | Miss |
Hon. | The Honorable |
AB | Alberta |
BC | British Columbia |
MB | Manitoba |
NB | New Brunswick |
NL | Newfoundland and Labrador |
NS | Nova Scotia |
NT | North West Territories |
NU | Nunavut |
ON | Ontario |
PE | Prince Edward Island |
QC | Quebec |
SK | Saskatchewan |
YT | Yukon |