
Breadcrumbs provide an efficient and user friendly way of navigating the site.

Breadcrumbs are applied on most content types.

The breadcrumb lives below the page title, and each page name in the breadcrumb is linked to the corresponding page.

Example breadcrumb, reading "Home / Learn with us / Artstream"


Setting the breadcrumb

The breadcrumb is determined by two settings:

  1. The URL alias set on the content type options
    The user screen for adding a URL alias in Drupal.
    Note: Each /page-name/ must exist in the system and be in published workflow for the breadcrumb to work properly
  2. The main navigation menu can overwrite the URL alias (for vanity or media URLs)
    The user screen for page menu settings in Drupal.

    Note: You can set the menu navigation on the page, if a menu item is not required to show it can disable it in the main navigation menu screen.