
Bachelor of Fine Arts



Students in Painting understand historical and contemporary painting practices and get familiar with various techniques, skills and processes to make informed choices relevant to individual studio art practice. 

By exploring various media, materials and modes of critical inquiry, you’ll develop an understanding of critical language and vocabulary relevant to artistic research. 

Popular courses 

  • PNTG 223 Methodologies and Methods
  • PNTG 226 Global Perspectives
  • PNTG 300 Painting Studio I
  • PNTG 301 Painting Studio II
  • PNTG 302 Painting Studio III

Careers include:

  • Practicing artist
  • Muralist
  • Art dealer
  • Educator
  • Entrepreneur
  • Curator

Studio facilities

  • Flexible, open-design community environment
  • Communal studios for first- and second-year students
  • Individual studio spaces for third- and fourth-year students


Full-time faculty


Alumni are well prepared to maintain studio practices, enter the workforce using their highly transferrable skills, or pursue graduate studies in fine art and other disciplines such as art criticism and history, curating, art therapy, art education, environmental design, architecture, media studies and arts administration.

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